Widget Error Handling
This page provides a detailed overview of the various errors and their formats that users may encounter while using the Aerosync widget.
Widget Error Event
Function triggered when an error occurs in the Aerosync widget.
Parameter | Type | Description |
onError | function(response) | The error response will be in string format. |
Error response format:
[Error_Type] | [Error_Code] | [Error_Message]
INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS | Code: AC-117 | Message: Sorry, we encountered an issue while linking your account. Please ensure your account and routing numbers are correct.
POLLING_TIMEOUT | Code: AR-100 | Message: No response received from the user within the expected time frame. Please try again later.
AC Codes
For all AC errors codes, refer to this page for more information:
AC Codes
AR Codes
For all AR error codes, refer to below table for more information.
Code | Type | Message |
AR-100 | POLLING_TIMEOUT | No response received from the user within the expected time frame.Please try again later. |
AR-500 | SERVER_ERROR | A server error occurred. Please try again later. |
Updated 2 days ago