Postman Collection

Aerosync Postman Collection

The provided instructions were designed to assist any team member/tester/stakeholder in following and executing properly the Postman Collection. The Aerosync Postman Collection can be used to validate requests and responses from the Aerosync API suite.

Step 1 - Import Environment and Collection files

Copy and paste the following environment as shown in the following steps.

Step 1- Click the Import button.

Step 2- Copy the JSON that is in this guide so you can add the environment, remember to copy it in the bar.

Aerosync APIs- Staging

	"id": "1756d231-8186-4d84-8ce6-7667fc4d7ee1",
	"name": "Aerosync APIs- Staging",
	"values": [
			"key": "base_url",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "api_key",
			"value": "test1",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "api_secret",
			"value": "test1",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "user_id",
			"value": "b93c061c3ad44fa8acb786fa958f64e9",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "admin_key",
			"value": "5fc261ba-1341-4111-b1c0-224dcb6bf0ec",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "admin_secret",
			"value": "0ceb8a44-d7a5-4e21-90ed-b00db37b1ca9",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
			"key": "token",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default",
			"enabled": true
	"_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
	"_postman_exported_at": "2024-12-20T14:10:37.871Z",
	"_postman_exported_using": "Postman/11.23.1"

Step 3- Click to accept the import.

Step 4- Validate that the environment was imported correctly.

AEROSYNC APIs- External V2

Next, you'll need to import the collection. Importing the collection is similar to importing the environment, except you'll be using the "Collections" tab to verify that it was imported successfully.

	"info": {
		"_postman_id": "04c41eda-8e25-443c-9172-8debc1ebe998",
		"name": "AEROSYNC APIS- External V2",
		"schema": "",
		"_exporter_id": "27310382",
		"_collection_link": ""
	"item": [
			"name": "Token",
			"item": [
					"name": "/token",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"var jsonData = pm.response.json()\r",
									"token = jsonData.token\r",
									"const Schema = {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"  \"properties\": {\r",
									"    \"status\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"statusCode\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"TTL\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"token\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    }\r",
									"  },\r",
									"  \"required\": [\r",
									"    \"status\",\r",
									"    \"statusCode\",\r",
									"    \"TTL\",\r",
									"    \"token\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
									"pm.test(\"Response time is less than 8000ms\", function () {\r",
									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
								"type": "text/javascript",
								"packages": {}
					"request": {
						"method": "POST",
						"header": [
								"key": "Content-Type",
								"value": "application/json"
						"body": {
							"mode": "raw",
							"raw": "{\r\n    \"apiKey\":\"{{api_key}}\",\r\n    \"apiSecret\": \"{{api_secret}}\"\r\n}",
							"options": {
								"raw": {
									"language": "json"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/token",
							"host": [
							"path": [
						"description": "Generated from cURL: curl --location '' \\\r\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\r\n--data '{\r\n    \"apiKey\":\"test1\",\r\n    \"apiSecret\": \"test1\"\r\n}'"
					"response": []
			"name": "Account",
			"item": [
					"name": "/accounts_check",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"const Schema = {\r",
									"       \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"  \"properties\": {\r",
									"    \"status\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"statusCode\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"account\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"      \"properties\": {\r",
									"        \"accountNickname\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"accountNumber\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"routingNumber\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"accountType\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"bankName\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"canFetchBalance\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"boolean\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"connectionMethod\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"        }\r",
									"      },\r",
									"      \"required\": [\r",
									"        \"accountNickname\",\r",
									"        \"accountNumber\",\r",
									"        \"routingNumber\",\r",
									"        \"accountType\",\r",
									"        \"bankName\",\r",
									"        \"canFetchBalance\",\r",
									"        \"connectionMethod\"\r",
									"      ]\r",
									"    }\r",
									"  },\r",
									"  \"required\": [\r",
									"    \"status\",\r",
									"    \"statusCode\",\r",
									"    \"account\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
									"pm.test(\"Response time is less than 8000ms\", function () {\r",
									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
								"type": "text/javascript",
								"packages": {}
							"listen": "prerequest",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"const apiKey = pm.environment.get(\"api_key\");\r",
									"const apiSecret = pm.environment.get(\"api_secret\");\r",
									"const baseUrl =  pm.environment.get(\"base_url\");\r",
									"    url: baseUrl+'/v2/token',\r",
									"    method: 'POST',\r",
									"    header: {\r",
									"        'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    body: {\r",
									"        mode: 'raw',\r",
									"        raw: JSON.stringify({\r",
									"            apiKey: apiKey,\r",
									"            apiSecret: apiSecret\r",
									"        })\r",
									"    }\r",
									"}, function (err, res) {\r",
									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
									"    }\r",
								"type": "text/javascript",
								"packages": {}
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "bearer",
							"bearer": [
									"key": "token",
									"value": "{{token}}",
									"type": "string"
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [],
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/accounts/:user_id",
							"host": [
							"path": [
							"variable": [
									"key": "user_id",
									"value": "{{user_id}}"
					"response": [
							"name": "success",
							"originalRequest": {
								"method": "GET",
								"header": [
										"key": "Authorization",
										"value": "Bearer {{token}}"
								"url": {
									"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/accounts/:user_id",
									"host": [
									"path": [
									"variable": [
											"key": "user_id",
											"value": "{{user_id}}"
							"status": "OK",
							"code": 200,
							"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
							"header": [
									"key": "Content-Type",
									"value": "application/json"
									"key": "Content-Length",
									"value": "301"
									"key": "Connection",
									"value": "keep-alive"
									"key": "Date",
									"value": "Thu, 12 Dec 2024 21:10:10 GMT"
									"key": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id",
									"value": "Root=1-675b512b-72e0c99b09ebf601395e7755"
									"key": "x-amzn-RequestId",
									"value": "3de51016-768d-4ebc-a2ee-7d510ce6c85c"
									"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
									"value": "*"
									"key": "x-amz-apigw-id",
									"value": "Csme7HIroAMEt0g="
									"key": "Cache-Control",
									"value": "max-age=30"
									"key": "X-Cache",
									"value": "Miss from cloudfront"
									"key": "Via",
									"value": "1.1 (CloudFront)"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Pop",
									"value": "CMH68-P4"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Id",
									"value": "6lOH5Efpysn8HqnZ0ji1Zch2bojTX-CKmZG3uazJ6HaG-PFv7DY4Qg=="
							"cookie": [],
							"body": "{\n    \"status\": \"success\",\n    \"statusCode\": 200,\n    \"account\": {\n        \"accountNickname\": \"PREMIER PLATINUM CHECK\",\n        \"accountNumber\": \"12345\",\n        \"routingNumber\": \"307074551\",\n        \"accountType\": \"checking\",\n        \"bankName\": \"Fiserv - Direct Connect\",\n        \"canFetchBalance\": true,\n        \"supportsFasterPayments\": false,\n        \"connectionMethod\": 1\n    }\n}"
							"name": "failure (user not found)",
							"originalRequest": {
								"method": "GET",
								"header": [],
								"url": {
									"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/accounts/:user_id",
									"host": [
									"path": [
									"variable": [
											"key": "user_id",
											"value": "{{user_id}}"
							"status": "Not Found",
							"code": 404,
							"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
							"header": [
									"key": "Content-Type",
									"value": "application/json"
									"key": "Content-Length",
									"value": "90"
									"key": "Connection",
									"value": "keep-alive"
									"key": "Date",
									"value": "Tue, 17 Dec 2024 14:28:13 GMT"
									"key": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id",
									"value": "Root=1-67618a7d-1542715e059a022770da9acf"
									"key": "x-amzn-RequestId",
									"value": "31711075-76a0-4832-8836-b9ea41002b4d"
									"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
									"value": "*"
									"key": "x-amz-apigw-id",
									"value": "C8KTpHm5oAMEoKw="
									"key": "Cache-Control",
									"value": "max-age=30"
									"key": "X-Cache",
									"value": "Error from cloudfront"
									"key": "Via",
									"value": "1.1 (CloudFront)"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Pop",
									"value": "CMH68-P4"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Id",
									"value": "byo2fYy876O4fDNUe_qK6m0vKOY0QSzoK_3E1LhDxvWbAGXTGNBD0A=="
							"cookie": [],
							"body": "{\n    \"error\": {\n        \"code\": \"AC-102\",\n        \"message\": \"User 761268fe79af4bcca602b3cdb307962 not found\"\n    }\n}"
					"name": "/account_info",
					"event": [
							"listen": "prerequest",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"const apiKey = pm.environment.get(\"api_key\");\r",
									"const apiSecret = pm.environment.get(\"api_secret\");\r",
									"const baseUrl =  pm.environment.get(\"base_url\");\r",
									"    url: baseUrl+'/v2/token',\r",
									"    method: 'POST',\r",
									"    header: {\r",
									"        'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    body: {\r",
									"        mode: 'raw',\r",
									"        raw: JSON.stringify({\r",
									"            apiKey: apiKey,\r",
									"            apiSecret: apiSecret\r",
									"        })\r",
									"    }\r",
									"}, function (err, res) {\r",
									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
									"    }\r",
								"type": "text/javascript",
								"packages": {}
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"const Schema = {\r",
									"    \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"  \"properties\": {\r",
									"    \"status\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"statusCode\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    \"account\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"      \"properties\": {\r",
									"        \"accountNickname\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"accountHolderName\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"accountNumber\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"routingNumber\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"accountType\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"bankName\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"availableBalance\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"number\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"currentBalance\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"number\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"currency\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"lastRefreshTimestamp\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"canFetchBalance\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"boolean\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"connectionMethod\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"        },\r",
									"        \"connectionStatus\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"object\",\r",
									"          \"properties\": {\r",
									"            \"status\": {\r",
									"              \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"            },\r",
									"            \"code\": {\r",
									"              \"type\": \"null\"\r",
									"            },\r",
									"            \"details\": {\r",
									"              \"type\": \"null\"\r",
									"            }\r",
									"          },\r",
									"          \"required\": [\r",
									"            \"status\",\r",
									"            \"code\",\r",
									"            \"details\"\r",
									"          ]\r",
									"        }\r",
									"      },\r",
									"      \"required\": [\r",
									"        \"accountNickname\",\r",
									"        \"accountHolderName\",\r",
									"        \"accountNumber\",\r",
									"        \"routingNumber\",\r",
									"        \"accountType\",\r",
									"        \"bankName\",\r",
									"        \"availableBalance\",\r",
									"        \"currentBalance\",\r",
									"        \"currency\",\r",
									"        \"lastRefreshTimestamp\",\r",
									"        \"canFetchBalance\",\r",
									"        \"connectionMethod\",\r",
									"        \"connectionStatus\"\r",
									"      ]\r",
									"    }\r",
									"  },\r",
									"  \"required\": [\r",
									"    \"status\",\r",
									"    \"statusCode\",\r",
									"    \"account\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
									"pm.test(\"Response time is less than 8000ms\", function () {\r",
									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
								"type": "text/javascript",
								"packages": {}
					"protocolProfileBehavior": {
						"disableBodyPruning": true
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "bearer",
							"bearer": [
									"key": "token",
									"value": "{{token}}",
									"type": "string"
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [],
						"body": {
							"mode": "raw",
							"raw": "",
							"options": {
								"raw": {
									"language": "json"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/account_info/:user_id",
							"host": [
							"path": [
							"variable": [
									"key": "user_id",
									"value": "{{user_id}}"
					"response": [
							"name": "failure (invalid credentials)",
							"originalRequest": {
								"method": "POST",
								"header": [],
								"body": {
									"mode": "raw",
									"raw": "{\n    \"userId\": \"4c73976af23a4a63a939d6c05a9585f7\",\n    \"userPassword\": \"3e8293ceb64c473e80e8b6e7c16b150d\"\n}",
									"options": {
										"raw": {
											"language": "json"
								"url": {
									"raw": "",
									"protocol": "http",
									"host": [
									"path": [
							"status": "Bad Request",
							"code": 400,
							"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
							"header": [
									"key": "Content-Type",
									"value": "application/json"
									"key": "Content-Length",
									"value": "131"
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									"value": "keep-alive"
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									"value": "Mon, 08 Jul 2024 20:05:48 GMT"
									"key": "x-amzn-RequestId",
									"value": "52cbdf70-381d-4b1f-b36e-ed6fd499e713"
									"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
									"value": "*"
									"key": "x-amz-apigw-id",
									"value": "am_4fGXZIAMEUhw="
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									"value": "Root=1-668c469c-0b91211f42edb43043c4babf"
									"key": "X-Cache",
									"value": "Error from cloudfront"
									"key": "Via",
									"value": "1.1 (CloudFront)"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Pop",
									"value": "SCL51-P3"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Id",
									"value": "kFBgaTxJAf851qnK7kPi70rs_z7F59yNCHjljUfP8A43L326Ex4N-g=="
							"cookie": [],
							"body": "{\n    \"error\": {\n        \"code\": \"AC-202\",\n        \"message\": \"Invalid bank login credentials provided. We were unable to authenticate with your bank.\"\n    }\n}"
							"name": "failure (null on param)",
							"originalRequest": {
								"method": "POST",
								"header": [],
								"body": {
									"mode": "raw",
									"raw": "{\n    \"userId\": null,\n    \"userPassword\": \"3e8293ceb64c473e80e8b6e7c16b150d\"\n}",
									"options": {
										"raw": {
											"language": "json"
								"url": {
									"raw": "",
									"protocol": "http",
									"host": [
									"path": [
							"status": "Bad Request",
							"code": 400,
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									"value": "Mon, 08 Jul 2024 20:06:24 GMT"
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									"key": "X-Cache",
									"value": "Error from cloudfront"
									"key": "Via",
									"value": "1.1 (CloudFront)"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Pop",
									"value": "SCL51-P3"
									"key": "X-Amz-Cf-Id",
									"value": "6ZyOfODNApczzbN_8TBfUB_5xI45f4yPvwovUK9X_4ybUoll1057zQ=="
							"cookie": [],
							"body": "{\n    \"error\": {\n        \"code\": \"AC-100\",\n        \"message\": \"Required attributes are missing or not in a valid format.\"\n    }\n}"
							"name": "success",
							"originalRequest": {
								"method": "GET",
								"header": [],
								"body": {
									"mode": "raw",
									"raw": "",
									"options": {
										"raw": {
											"language": "json"
								"url": {
									"raw": "{{base_url}}/v2/account_info/:user_id",
									"host": [
									"path": [
									"variable": [
											"key": "user_id",
											"value": "{{user_id}}"
							"status": "OK",
							"code": 200,
							"_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
							"header": [
									"key": "Content-Type",
									"value": "application/json"
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									"key": "Date",
									"value": "Thu, 12 Dec 2024 21:08:36 GMT"
									"key": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id",
									"value": "Root=1-675b50c9-0c39114545845ec43881cc92"
									"key": "x-amzn-RequestId",
									"value": "4cf297c6-236a-4d91-a6a6-25549d5ee6a3"
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									"//Response object\r",
									"var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
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									"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"job_id\", job);\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"    \"jobId\",\r",
									"    \"userId\"\r",
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									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
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									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
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									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
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								"exec": [
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									"}, function (err, res) {\r",
									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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									"    \"userId\"\r",
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									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
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									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
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									"const apiKey = pm.environment.get(\"api_key\");\r",
									"const apiSecret = pm.environment.get(\"api_secret\");\r",
									"const baseUrl =  pm.environment.get(\"base_url\");\r",
									"    url: baseUrl+'/v2/token',\r",
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									"        'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r",
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									"            apiKey: apiKey,\r",
									"            apiSecret: apiSecret\r",
									"        })\r",
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									"}, function (err, res) {\r",
									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"object\",\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"number\"\r",
									"        },\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"number\"\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"        \"currency\",\r",
									"        \"userId\"\r",
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									"    \"statusCode\",\r",
									"    \"account\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
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									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
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									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
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											"value": "{{user_id}}"
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							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"//Response object\r",
									"var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
									"job= jsonData.account.jobId;\r",
									"//Set job_id collection variables for next apis (job_status)\r",
									"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"job_id\", job);\r",
									"const Schema = {\r",
									"    \"type\": \"object\",\r",
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									"    \"status\": {\r",
									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"object\",\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"        },\r",
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									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"        \"userId\": {\r",
									"          \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"        \"refreshStatus\",\r",
									"        \"jobId\",\r",
									"        \"userId\"\r",
									"      ]\r",
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									"    \"status\",\r",
									"    \"statusCode\",\r",
									"    \"account\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
									"pm.test(\"Response time is less than 8000ms\", function () {\r",
									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
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								"exec": [
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									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
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									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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										"value": "application/json"
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									"host": [
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									"variable": [
											"key": "user_id",
											"value": "{{user_id}}"
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								"exec": [
									"const apiKey = pm.environment.get(\"api_key\");\r",
									"const apiSecret = pm.environment.get(\"api_secret\");\r",
									"const baseUrl =  pm.environment.get(\"base_url\");\r",
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									"    method: 'POST',\r",
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									"        'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r",
									"    },\r",
									"    body: {\r",
									"        mode: 'raw',\r",
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									"            apiKey: apiKey,\r",
									"            apiSecret: apiSecret\r",
									"        })\r",
									"    }\r",
									"}, function (err, res) {\r",
									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"integer\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
									"    },\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"boolean\"\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"      \"type\": \"string\"\r",
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									"    \"mfaTriggered\",\r",
									"    \"jobId\",\r",
									"    \"userId\"\r",
									"  ]\r",
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									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {\r",
									"pm.test(\"Validate the json response Schema\",function()\r",
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									"value": "{{user_id}}"
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											"value": "{{user_id}}"
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											"description": "This variable is called from previous endpoint."
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								"method": "GET",
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											"value": "{{user_id}}"
											"key": "job_id",
											"value": "{{job_id}}",
											"description": "This variable is called from previous endpoint."
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									"var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
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									"// Set mfa_type collection variables for next APIs (resolve-mfa)\r",
									"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"mfa_type\", guid);\r",
									"pm.test(\"Response time is less than 8000ms\", function () {\r",
									"    pm.expect(pm.response.responseTime);\r",
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									"        'Content-Type': 'application/json'\r",
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									"    if (err) {\r",
									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
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									"        console.log(\"Token request failed:\", err);\r",
									"    } else {\r",
									"        // Parse the response to extract the token\r",
									"        const jsonData = res.json();\r",
									"        // Assuming the token is in jsonData.token\r",
									"        pm.environment.set(\"token\", jsonData.token);\r",
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			"value": "",
			"type": "string"


To begin testing the Aeropay APIs, you'll need to generate a user_id and modify it in the environment variable. The user_id is a unique identifier for a bank connection that will be used to fetch data for that bank. This user_id is returned from the Aerosync widget after a user successfully links a bank.

If you're interested in diving into testing the Aerosync APIs before you've built a working bank connection widget, the following steps will walk you through how to retrieve a user_id value to begin testing.

Step 1:

Select the (Remember to generate a widget token and add it to the URL).

Step 2: After successfully entering to the site, click on the "Continue" button to go to the bank list.

Step 3: Choose a bank to link a new account during this step right click on the page, select "Inspect" and click the "Network" tab.

Step 4: Do all the steps of a bank link process and validate the payload from the create_accounts, there you will find the user_id and user_password.

Note: Keep both the user_id and user_password in a notepad or bloc to use for future testing.


Step 1: Go to the environment variables and change the value of the user_id from the previous pre-conditions step.

Step 2: Select the environment in this case Aerosync APIs- Staging (This is according to which environment the user_id was generated).

Step 3: Select any API from the collection and click on send and review the response.